Brown House Snake – Boaedon capensis
Averaging 60cm or so these snakes can grow just over 1.2m along the coast.
The body is ranges from a chocolate brown, sandy brand to pale yellowish brown, with two white stripes on either side of the head, which mottled creamish/white stripes which break into blotches as they continue down around 1/3 of the body. The belly is a creamy white mother of pearl.
Across South Africa from coastal forests, grasslands, fynbos, karoo scrub, montane grasslands and abundant in suburbia around homes.
Field Notes:
One of the most wide spread and common harmless snakes in South Africa due to their non specialised diets and adabability to thrive in urban environments. The Brown House Snake or Bruinhuis slang as is known is Afrikaans is mainly active at nigh where they prey on geckos, lizards, rodents, and birds often thriving in suburban gardens. Often preyed upon by larger snakes like Mozambique Spitting Cobras and other fossorial snakes.