Common Slug Eater – Duberria lutrix
Averaging around 20-30cm but may reach just over 45cm.
Varying forms, usually darker uppers with lighter belly and sides. From uniform greyish, brownish as well as a high contrasting chocolate brown and rusty red. Some specimens may also have a thin black dotted line down the spine.
Found in a wide array of habitats, from coastal fynbos, costal forest, grassland, montane grassland and common in suburban gardens.
Field Notes:
This small harmless snakes feeds exclusively on slugs and snails. Averaging only around 30 cm this inoffensive snake rarely bites instead when harassed or handled will emit a foul-smelling musk in self-defense and may roll up in a tight coil hiding its head in the centre of the body. Favouring damp localities these snakes are common throughout most of the Western and Eastern Cape where they are most common more so than the rest of South Africa.
These small snakes are often predated upon by birds such as the Fiscal Shrike and many smaller species as well as snakes such as the Spotted Harlequin snake.