Cape Cobra, Cape Town, Dangerous Snakes, Herpetology, Karoo, Naja, Reptiles, South Africa, Southern Africa, venom, Venomous, venomous, Western Cape

How to identify a Cape Cobra

Cape Cobra and how to identify them. The Cape Cobra is Africa’s most venomous Cobra Field Notes: A large, impressive cobra, which is arguably one of the most variable in colour and abundant venomous snakes in the Western Cape,. It is often referred to as the most venomous snake in Africa. Although a nervous snake […]

Adventure, Africa, Cape Town, Cobra, Dangerous Snakes, Harmless Snakes, Herpetology, herping, Photography, Reptiles, South Africa, venomous

Snakes Of Cape Town

Snakes Of Cape Town While the western cape is only home to around 42 species of snakes of which most are completely harmless and only half a dozen or so are considered to be dangerous and capable of inflicting a bite which would require serious medical attention. With Cape Town being surrounded by wide open […]

Adventure, Amphibians, Bradypodion, Cape Town, Chameleon, Field Trips, frog, Frogs, Herpetology, Photography, Reptiles, Scelotes, snakes, South Africa, Western Cape

Winter Herping In The Western Cape

Winter Herping In the Western Cape. With a long weekend looming I took another day off and made it an extended long weekend for my trip to Cape Town for some Winter Herping. Arriving on Friday evening to a particular cold Cape Town we made plans for Saturday. I met with a friend Theo Busschau […]

Prosymna sundevallii | Sundevall Shovel Snout| Tyone Ping
Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Cape Town, Chameleon, Field Trips, Herpetology

The Western Cape – Forests to the West Coast.

Adventure into the Western Cape. Relatively speaking it’s been a quieter year for a multitude of reasons, the usual suspects – time, work and a few others all hinder the ability to make it back into the Western Cape it’s been almost a year since I was last in Cape Town so it was about time […]

Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Chameleon, Field Trips, Photography

A Whirlwind Trip To The Karoo.

It’s been just over two years since I was last in the Karoo. Between changing jobs, visiting Namibia late last year and the previous year, not to mention visiting West Coast as often in the last two years. Needless to say It’s been neglected in my travels the last few years. With Friday being a public holiday and the […]

Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Cape Town, Chameleon, Desert, Durban, Eastern Cape, Field Trips, Herpetology, Karoo, Kwa Zulu Natal, Lizards, Mpumalanga, Namibia, Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, South Africa, Southern Africa, Travel, Western Cape

Chameleons Of South Africa

Something so obscure as wanting to find these tiny lizards all across South Africa sounded like an impossible task. But I’m the kind of person that goes all into these types of challenges – Is it even achievable? I’ve always had this fascination with chameleons since I was a child, growing up in Durban chameleons were […]

Bradypodion pumilum | Cape Dwarf Chameleon | Tyrone Ping
Bradypodion, Chameleon, Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, Travel

Western Cape Exploration – The Winter Herping

On my previous trip to this area of the Western Cape in February was quite a different experience, in February the weather was hot, dry and relatively quiet on the reptile front with hours spent in the field offering very little rewards. This time around thankfully was a vastly different experience. Earlier in the year I […]

Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, Travel, Uncategorized

Rhinotyphlops lalandei – Delalande’s beaked blind snake.

A very smooth-scaled snake with a blunt head that is not distinct from the body. It has minute eyes and a very short, bluntly rounded tail. Colour varies from a pinkish grey to a plain brown. A fossorial species sometimes encountered in termitaria or above ground after rain. Little is known about the natural history […]