Distribution Map

Southern Adder – Bitis armata

Size: averaging 20-25cm adults may reach close to 40cm
A small secretive dwarf adder which is typically dusty grey with rust or orange chevrons. Occurring largely along coastal plain fynbos associated with limestone geology in the southern Cape but also appears to be historical records into the West Coast. Know to shelter in thick grassy tussocks of restio and similar grasses as well as taking refuge under rock slabs. Like most of the dwarf adders these snakes are highly prized in the pet trade so these snakes precise locations and populations need to be kept guarded. Fortunately there are several areas where these snakes occur inside protected SANPARKS reserves.
Is not required or effective for these snakes.

Bitis armata

Southern Adder. From The Overberg, Western Cape

Bitis armata

Southern Adder. From The Overberg, Western Cape

Bitis armata

Southern Adder. From The Overberg, Western Cape

Bitis armata

Southern Adder. From The Overberg, Western Cape

Bitis armata

Southern Adder. From The Overberg, Western Cape

Bitis armata

Southern Adder. From The Overberg, Western Cape