Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Herpetology, Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, South Africa, Travel

The Namaqualand Road Trip – Part One.

The Start Of The Namaqualand Road Trip. After a few months planning a +5000km road trip, booking accommodation and trying to navigate leave, getting approval the dates were finally set and I was finally able to get going. I frantically had to tie up some loose ends at work on Thursday 13th December then I […]

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Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Cape Town, Chameleon, Field Trips, Herpetology

The Western Cape – Forests to the West Coast.

Adventure into the Western Cape. Relatively speaking it’s been a quieter year for a multitude of reasons, the usual suspects – time, work and a few others all hinder the ability to make it back into the Western CapeĀ it’s been almost a year since I was last in Cape Town so it was about time […]

Adventure, Africa, Bradypodion, Cape Town, Chameleon, Desert, Durban, Eastern Cape, Field Trips, Herpetology, Karoo, Kwa Zulu Natal, Lizards, Mpumalanga, Namibia, Photography, Reptiles, Road Life, South Africa, Southern Africa, Travel, Western Cape

Chameleons Of South Africa

Something so obscure as wanting to find these tiny lizards all across South Africa sounded like an impossible task. But I’m the kind of person that goes all into these types of challenges – Is it even achievable? I’ve always had this fascination with chameleons since I was a child, growing up in DurbanĀ chameleons were […]