Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping
Africa, Cryptactites peringueyi, Eastern Cape, Field Trips, Herpetology, Reptiles, Road Life, Salt Marsh Gecko, South Africa, Southern Africa

Cryptactites peringueyi – Salt Marsh Gecko

Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. Cryptactites peringueyi  Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape. […]

Adventure, Africa, Desert, Field Trips, Herpetology, Namibia, Photography, Reptiles, Southern Africa, Travel

Namib Web-Footed Gecko (Pachydactylus rangei)

Pachydactyus rangei  Namib Web-Footed Gecko. Being nocturnal, these geckos live mostly nestled in deep burrows in the desert sand where there is a moderate amount of moisture during the day. They venture out to the surface only when the desert’s temperature has dropped at night. We found several adult geckos on the tarred roads adjustment […]