Cordylus macropholis – Large Scaled Girdled Lizard is an endemic terrestrial cordylid, preferring the succulent plant Euphorbia caput-medusae and related species as shelter (Mouton et al. 2000). It may also shelter beneath calcrete rocks and in stick-nests of Vlei Rats (Otomys species) (P. le F.N. Mouton pers. obs.)
Occurring on the west coast of South Africa, in the Northern and Western Cape provinces. Occurs in three subpopulations along the West Coast, from Port Nolloth in the north to Yzerfontein in the south. The distributional gap between northern and southern subpopulations appears to be real.

Cordylus macropholis – Large Scaled Girdled Lizard.

Cordylus macropholis – Large Scaled Girdled Lizard.