Bradypodion, Chameleon, Herpetology, Kwa Zulu Natal, Reptiles

Chameleons in Durban

The Chameleons of Durban. People often speak of how common chameleons used to be in Durban, often saying they’ve not seen chameleons in years. The truth is there are many factors which affect negatively chameleons. From pesticides, domestic animals decimating local populations causing these animals to become “locally” extinct in suburban gardens to some extent. […]

Namibia | tyrone Ping |
Adventure, Africa, Dangerous Snakes, Desert, Harmless Snakes, Namibia, Photography, Road Life, Travel, Uncategorized

Namibia – The Great Adventure Part 3

25/11/2017 Another earlier morning, I photographed and caught a few Namib Rock Agama’s, Boulton’s Day Geckos and Barnard’s Namib Day Geckos and a few more Marbled Rubber frogs. Then released all of the geckos and agamas headed to the main house and chatted with Rene over some tea. We then walked around where she often […]