Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi 

Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape.

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi 

Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape.

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi 

Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape.

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi 

Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape.

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi 

Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape.

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi 

Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape.

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi | Salt Marsh Gecko | Tyrone Ping

Cryptactites peringueyi 

Salt Marsh Gecko. From Cape Recife Nature Reserve, Eastern Cape.

Cryptactites peringueyi – Salt Marsh Gecko

“Distribution: Endemic to the Eastern Cape and known from only two small populations. The first occurs along 11 km of shoreline immediately west of Cape Recife, from Chel- sea Point to Schoenmakerskop. The second population oc- curs approximately 40 km to the west and is restricted to salt marsh and adjacent strand at the mouth of the Krom- me River, extending 10 km inland along the tidal reach of the river (Branch & Bauer 1994; subsequent records) and in habitats adjacent to the coast at Cape St Francis, 8 km south of the Kromme River Mouth (photograph of specimen examined by the author). All known habitats occur within 100 m of the high water mark, and below 30 m.” –  William R. Branch

BATES, M.F., BRANCH, W.R., BAUER, A.M., BURGER, M., MARAIS, J., ALEXANDER, G.J. & DE VILLIERS, M.S. (eds). 2014. (CD set). Atlas and Red List of the Reptiles of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Suricata 1. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

by Tyrone Ping

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